御慶事 純米大吟醸

御慶事 純米大吟醸


Yamadanishi is a  typical rice for sake brewing. Amongst the yamanishiki, ones that are grown in the so called Toku A (Special class A) region in Hyogo prefecture (兵庫県特A地区産) are  known  for its Top quality. Gokeiji Daiginjo is a luxury Daiginjo made by polishing it to 38%. The “Umami”(deliciousness) and sweetness of Yamadanishiki and the smooth texture is the characteristic of this sake.

*「インターナショナルワインチャレンジ2019」SAKE部門 純米大吟醸酒の部 ゴールドメダル
https://jp.sake-times.com/special/news/sake_iwc2019-madal(2019.5.8 SAKETIMES)

  • 使用米:兵庫県特A地区産山田錦100%
  • 精米歩合:38%
  • 使用酵母:M-310酵母
  • 日本酒度:-4
  • 酸度:1.3


→ 御慶事 純米大吟醸 1800ml

→ 御慶事 純米大吟醸 720ml