The largest number of 1,028 items have entered to compete for the top title in the world!
The competition is divided into four categories (Junmai Sake, Junmai Ginjo, Junmai Daiginjo, and FreeStyle), and blind judging was conducted by a panel of 36 technical advisors, experts, and brewers.

Click here for the details of SAKE COMPETITION

Gokeiji Junmai Ginjo Hitachinishiki

Junmai Ginjo made with “Hitachinishiki”, the best sake-brewing rice produced in Ibaraki Prefecture.
It is a masterpiece of our brewery which boasts of refreshing aroma, deep flavor and clear aftertaste.
Suitable for drinking cold or at room temperature.

Rice used: Hitachinishiki produced in Ibaraki Prefecture/ Rice polishing ratio: 50%/ Yeast used: SYS yeast/Sake degree: -1 / acidity: 1.4